... in)) String inputLine = in.readLine() a = Integer.valueOf(inputLine).intValue() }catch (Exception exc) { System.out.println("Sorry,please input a number.") return } if (a%2!=0) { System.out.println("Sorry,please input a oushu.") return } for (b=1 b<a b ...
html2word is a class which is used to parse files or html pages. by using this class you can get a list of words which are used in the page and number of them.
A Very Complete and in depth Rational Number Class
with this class you ll be able to perform the most usual operations on rational numbers( +, -, *, /.. ),but also there are some suplementary features like the "exponential function", "logarithm function" etc. So,check it out!
... print the NOT_PATCHED results on the screen -vv.: hard verbose, will print ALL results on the screen Increase or decrease the number of threads as you need. NT4 os are detected but not the vulnerability (not assested) Win32....: msvc++6 FreeBSD..: gcc ...
This program is to handle all possible arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %) and logic operations (<, >, >=, <=, ==, !=) between 2 numbers, which have quite a lot of number of digits.
This is a program that will let you calculate roots with the Quadratic formula (including complex roots), Factorial of a number, Fibonacci series (and Pascals Triangle still under construction).
Delphi编程设计希望对你有帮助 Volume in drive D has no label Volume Serial Number is 12FE-1A1D Directory of D:\Delphi_SHU
1. 实现原理: * 任何一个数都可以表示成指数形式,如下所示: * * N=nEe (0=<n的绝对值<=1,e为10的指数幂) * * 例如100可以表示成1E2,1001可以表示成1.01E3 * * 类 CBigNumber的成员number为上述的n,exponent为上述的e * * 2. 如何使用这个类: * * 你可以把CBigNumber的头文件和实现函数加入你的工程,然后定义 * * 该类的实例,就可以对这些实例进行加减乘除了(详见示例程序)