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  • DCT_IDCT.zip to understand the Algorithm go to matlab help in page dct2 and idct2 to get the mathematical expression for M = N = 8, we can calculate the most of hard values and save it as LUTs to speed up the execution now compare our special 8X8 functions with ...
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  • hunantietong.rar 这是我大二时写的一个破解湖南铁通弱口令的程序。 湖南铁通宽带在05、06年时,刚开户的口令为你电话号码,根据此弱口令进行破解。 采用winsock控件,利用网卡数据包软件截获网页提交密码的过程,再进行模拟发送! PS:这个程序现在只能破解湖南铁通的弱口令,而且你必须是湖南铁通的用户,可以试下进得了下面这个网站不? 我的MSN:caicry@hotmail.com 欢迎交流
  • Menumu_3.rar ... = new MenuItem("打开(O)..." + " " + "Ctrl+O") save = new MenuItem("保存(S)" + " " + "Ctrl+S") other = new MenuItem("另存为(A)...") page = new MenuItem("页面设置(U)...") mim = new MenuItem("打印(P)..." + " " + "Ctrl+P") quit = new MenuItem("退出(X)")
  • TreeFileBrowser_src.zip ... 内容, 谨慎) 中文页面名和附件名的支持 例如这个链接: 沙箱 源码:[沙箱]. 或者用 Wiki.jsp?page=中文页面名创建 Search 时候中文字符的支持 CSS 样式表的美化 加入了众多插件, 例如代码高 ...
  • AT24CXX.rar ... code may be modified to work with the AT89C1051 by relocating or resizing the buffer and stack to fit into the smaller amount of RAM available in the AT89C1051. Note that the minimum size of the buffer is determined by the page size of the AT24Cxx.
  • Verilogrurumen.rar Bold index entries have corresponding pages in the main body of the guide. The remaining index entries are followed by a list of appropriate page references in the alphabetical reference sections, given in order of importance.
  • JSP_code.rar 许多 Web 站点都包括几种多媒体和交互程,如数字视频、数字音频文件、MacromediaFlash 影片和 Java applet。因,Java Web 站点通常将这种内容集成在Servlet 和 JSP(JavaServer Page)中。本文将解释在 Java Web 组件中嵌入多媒体的础。这个过程包括在组件的 HTML 输出中导入 object 和 embed 标记。
  • JavaServerPagesSoftwareanOODB.rar JavaServer Pages Software and OODB This tutorial covers Deploying Dynamic Sites Using Page Compilation, JavaServer PagesTM Software and an Object Oriented Database