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  • Limit_refresh.rar ... 引用 → 浏览 → 找到Limit_refresh.dll确定 2、打开需要使用防刷新功能的cs页面,将System.Web.UI.Page改为Limit_refresh.BasePage,并在有postback的地方(例如提交按钮)使用if (IsRefresh).....
  • Printing.rar TITLE: PRINTING DESCRIPTION: A simple five page editor that prints. DEMONSTRATES: + Printing all or a range of pages using TPrinter + Querying the user with TPrintDialog + Using TStringList to manage text for multiple ...
  • Print_.rar A simple five page editor that prints. Printing all or a range of pages using TPrinter Querying the user with TPrintDialog Using TStringList to manage text for multiple pages TTabSet, TPanel, TMemo, TSpeedButton
  • MCQsSSD1.zip ... 1 1. Which of the following must be true about an ethically designed Web page? 1. The contents of the Web page must be correct. 2. The author of the Web page must have obtained permission to use material copied from other sources. ...
  • page.rar 网页设计,有关李白生平的网站,有利于初学者参考
  • scan.zip Program to use your camera as a scanner. Automatically detects the page on the picture.
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  • TwoPageCrudTable.rar Code for developing the CRUD page
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