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  • Struts_in_Action.zip ... in Action is a comprehensive introduction to the Struts framework. It covers initial design, data validation, database access, dynamic page assembly, localization, product configuration, and other important areas. It shows you how to use both JSP tags and ...
  • AirlineReservarion.zip login page for airline reservation system
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  • softhy146I.rar 1.楼房网系列.NET开源软件; 2.所有查询系统遵循OPOT设计模式(ONE PAGE,ONE TEMPLATE:一个页面,一个模板),便于修改和二次开发; 3.CAR技术(COPY AND RUN:复制即可运行),不需安装立即使用; 4.防止SQL注入攻击;
  • debussy53.rar ... fully customized. It creates a function of the data input and the CRC register using XOR-logic. Although the levels of logic gets very high for wide data inputs, the throughput still benefits from this architecture, as can be seen from the synthesis page.
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  • sql_client.asp.gz general access to database through asp page