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  • float51.rar Floating point library for the 8052.
  • FastICA_2.2.zip fast fixed-point ICA算法的Matlab实现
  • 1024点FFT快速傅立叶变换(vhdl).zip 1024点FFT快速傅立叶变换,(vhdl代码)
  • DIV.rar This sample shows how floating-point exceptions may be captured and handled in an MFC application.
  • Pos20004.zip Point of Sale 2004 -VB
  • Bluetooth_PMP_Example_v1_0.zip source codes for point to multi-point Bluetooth transaction in Symbian OS. A good beginning to learn Socket programming in Symbian OS.
  • fp-adder.rar 上海交大float point adder 设计ppt
  • Fast Floating-Point Arithmetic Emulation on the Bl ADI BF 16位定点DSP的快速浮点仿真的汇编代码
  • testshape.rar 3. 设计一个接口Shape,接口中包含方法:Draw和Resize。定义一些具体类,如:Point、Line、Circle、Rectangle等,每个类都实现接口Shape。Draw方法绘制图形,Resize方法改变图形大小。用Java实现这些接口和类,并用测试类测试它们。 注意:不需要真正绘制图形,如Line的Draw方法只需输出下面文本即可: “直线的起点是(x1,y1,),终点是(x2,y2)”
  • all.rar 用三个类来研究类的继承!类Point、Circle、Cylinder