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  • managedresge.rar AppWizard has created this ViewModeMDI application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • chongzaiyunsuan.zip 1、 对Point类重载++和――运算符 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1) Point类的属性包括点的坐标(x,y); (2) 实现 Point类重载++和――运算符:  ++p,--p,p++,p--。  ++和――分别表示x,y增加或减少1。
  • 1.rar 1、 矩形 编写C++程序完成以下功能: (1) 定义一个Point类,其属性包括点的坐标,提供计算两点之间距离的方法; (2) 定义一个矩形类,其属性包括左上角和右下角两个点,提供计算面积的方法; (3) 创建一个矩形对象,提示用户输入矩形左上角和右下角的坐标; (4) 观察矩形对象以及Point类成员的构造函数与析构函数的调用; (5) 计算其面积,并输出
  • CropJpg.rar ... FOUNDATION CLASS LIBRARY : CropJpg AppWizard has created this CropJpg application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • SAMS_Teach_Yourself_Programming_with_Java_in_24_Ho ... to better cover the latest developments in Java. The book s coverage of core Java programming topics has also been expanded. A great starting point for learning Java, this book is also a great primer to reading sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days.
  • Vo.rar Random Set/Point Process in Multi-Target Tracking. 关于PHD滤波实现多目标跟踪很好的课件。
  • demo.rar AppWizard has created this demo application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • inputpoint.rar cad 中输入point ,学习c++二次开发
  • point.rar 让你不再害怕指针:要了解指针,多多少少会出现一些比较复杂的类型,所以我先介绍 一下如何完全理解一个复杂类型,要理解复杂类型其实很简单,一 个类型里会出现很多运算符,他们也像普通的表达式一样,有优先 级,其优先级和运算优先级一样,所以我总结了一下其原则: 从变量名处起,根据运算符优先级结合,一步一步分析.
  • 2004-10_2004102994048550.rar ... import flash.display.Bitmap import flash.display.BitmapData import flash.filters.BlurFilter import flash.events.Event import flash.geom.Point import flash.events.MouseEvent import flash.display.SimpleButton import flash.display.Shape