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  • zerocros.rar 声音文件的过零检测。是一个非常有用的程序,在所有的声音文件处理中都可能用到。实际上是检测voice signal 的start-point和end-point
  • FivePointChess.rar This a electronic book about the Five Point Chess in the visual studio.
  • Sigma_Delta.rar ... 1. 2) filter_desgin.m Here we design the filter, design a multi-stage filter and convert the filter to fixed-point. The filter results are all saved in one_stage.mat, multi_stage.mat and multi_stage_fixed.mat. 3) multi_stage.mdl This file contains ...
  • introduction_to_labview_8_in_3_hours.zip Labview 8.x tranning power point file
  • KillMe.rar This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the Microsoft Foundation classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.
  • jisuanmianji.rar 编写C++程序完成以下功能: 定义一个Point类,其属性包括点的坐标,提供计算两点之间距离的方法 定义一个矩形类,其属性包括左上角和右下角两个点,提供计算面积的方法 创建一个矩形对象,提示用户输入矩形左上角和右下角的坐标 观察矩形对象以及Point类成员的构造函数与析购函数计算其面积,并输出
  • 16-bitFixedPointFastFourierTransform(256point).zip 16-bit Fixed Point Fast Fourier Transform (256 point)
  • paretopoints.zip % A point X* is said to be Pareto optimal one % if there is no X such that Fi(X)<=Fi(X*) for % all i=1...n, with at least one strict inequality.
  • SDB2KML.rar supermap数据转KML的简单程序(需要supermap object)。能将supermap SDB格式中基本的点(point)线(line)面(region)导出到KML文件在Google earth打开。如果几何图形有样式信息也一并导出。目前,只完成了基本点线面的导出,其他几何元素导出KML可参考该程序进行修改即可。
  • fft.zip The fft.c file is C code for a function to compute the 16 point real Fast Fourier Transform using the split radix algorithm.