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  • PWM.rar Register for Pwm generation on TMS320f2812 from Texas Instruments DSP fixed point
  • Basics_of_Quantum_Computation.rar Basics of Quantum Computation 1 What is the point in Quantum Computation 1 1.1 Preview 1 1.2 A First View of the Advantages 5 1.3 Is Physics Nothing Else But Computation ? 12 2 First Quantum Computations 15 2.1 Quantum Bits, or Qubits 15 2.2 Single ...
  • Wavelets.zip power point for wavelet
  • ecpu_alu_latest.tar.gz floating point unit
  • FunctionPointEstimation.rar Function Point Estimation 功能点估算是一种用来估算项目大小的技术。
  • 115-VRStereoscopicImages.rar ... application of VR techniques, including the use of computer graphics and three-dimensional (3D) video production. Stereoscopy is a key point for the visualization of these applications. The system developed uses a 3D lens, a home camera, common video ...
  • InventoryAC.zip A fully working Inventory Point of Sales in VB 6
  • TestCircle.rar java面向对象的测试,建立一个circle 继承point
  • imagerecognitionColor.rar power point presentation for Image recognition based on color and its features.
  • ceGUI.zip My old gui. Wrote when I was 15. Good starting point if you want to make own gui system. Compile with cmd: gcc ceGUI.cpp -o cegui -lalleg -lalfont