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  • AStarExample.rar A star (A*) example Find the shortest path from start point to end point on a matrix full of obstecles
  • HapticsDebugger_short.zip Visual debugger to support debugging of haptics applications with a single point of contact. Devices are for example: Novint Falcon, Sensable Phantom or Phantom Omni
  • Chapter11BinaryTrees.rar power point of binary tree software engineering
  • f.rar This documents describes a free single precision floating point unit. This floating point unit can perform add, subtract, multiply, divide, integer to floating point and floating point to integer conversion.
  • ftoa.c.gz This is a fast floating point to string conversion function. Avoids the use of unsafe sprintf function. Works with float and double types. Correctly manages +inf, -inf, nnan (not a number).
  • robust_c_compiler.rar A direct to the point source code explanatory written in C language, from the book of Kenneth Louden: Compiler Construction: Principles and Practices.
  • kalman.zip Example. Using Kalman filter to track a rotating point
  • DeblurringImagesUsingtheBlindDeconvolutionAlgorit ... when no information about the distortion (blurring and noise) is known. The algorithm restores the image and the point-spread function (PSF) simultaneously. The accelerated, damped Richardson-Lucy algorithm is used in each iteration. Additional optical ...
  • LucyRichardsonAlgorithm.rar The Lucy-Richardson algorithm can be used effectively when the point-spread function PSF (blurring operator) is known, but little or no information is available for the noise. The blurred and noisy image is restored by the iterative, accelerated, damped ...
  • Quiz.rar ... questions from its database (53 questions).The software taunts you for a wrong answer while applauds a right answer. There is no point system in place hence the game continues even if u give wrong answer but nevertheless it is a fine example for newbies ...