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  • transmission_point_source.rar for different point sources,the transmitted wave of the incident wave is received in a transceiver system
  • XML.rar ... Security (TLS) are the current standards for communicating information securely over the internet. With TLS, all data being transmitted from point A to point B is encrypted. What if we only want some of our data to be encrypted as it is transmitted? We ...
  • C.rar 声明三维点POINT类,重载运算符“+”“-“ ”=”,实现三维点的加减和赋值
  • coranaEval.zip Determines the value of the Corana function at point sol. This function is used in gademo2.
  • Lecture26-MOSTranSmallSigModelAmplifiers.rar MOSFET Small Signal Model and Analysis. Just as we did with the BJT, we can consider the MOSFET amplifier analysis in two parts: • Find the DC operating point • Then determine the amplifier output parameters for very small input signals.
  • Reservatio2050572272007.zip reservation system written in visual basic..free source code....please give me some point
  • Traffic_llight_controller.rar ... red in all direction, the N-S left turn arrows are illuminated Green. Then they turn yellow and finally they turn red. At this point, the N-S lights cycle Green/Yellow/Red. In the N-S direction, the Green Arrow time is 16 seconds and the Yellow Arrow ...
  • fft_flpt.rar This is an example of floating-point FFT implemented in SystemC.
  • fft_fxpt.rar This is an example of fixed-point FFT implemented in SystemC.
  • PointLightDemo.rar Point Light using HLSL