Old, but very good "look-it-up" book for programming in VC++ MFC, brief and straight-to-the-point. I found it rather useful. Excellent for beginners.
point to point client/server using boost::asio
This is a basic example of a Windows 32 window with an Open GL rendering context.
It is a good starting point for opensource Win32 OpenGL programming without microsoft visual studio and other expensive programs.
APIHOOK.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application
This is a simple windows screen saver (clock display) - good starting point for creating your own screen savers!
... laminar flow in a rectangular channel of aspect ratio b/a (=bar).
solve the equation:
d^2u/dx^2 + d^2u/dy^2 = -1, -a<x<a, -b<y<b
method of discretisation: 3-point centered differences
method of linear system solution: gauss-seidel + sor
and combinatorial tools make it possible to solve the design problem. This makes LDPC codes
not only attractive from a theoretical point of view, but also perfect for practical applications. In
this note I will give a brief overview of the origins of ...