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  • Graphics.dll.rar 直线、圆、椭圆二维图形的生成。直线的生成算法有DDA、Bbresenham、point,圆的生成算法有bresenham等 此系统还包含裁剪操作。 曲线的生成算法:bezier曲线 三维操作:三维物体旋转变化、穿越三维空间、虚线三维空间
  • Matrics.dll.rar 直线、圆、椭圆二维图形的生成。直线的生成算法有DDA、Bbresenham、point,圆的生成算法有bresenham等 此系统还包含裁剪操作。 曲线的生成算法:bezier曲线 三维操作:三维物体旋转变化、穿越三维空间、虚线三维空间
  • Practical_firdesign.rar This tutorial white-paper illustrates practical aspects of FIR filter design and fixed-point implementation along with the algorithms available in the Filter Design Toolbox and the Signal Processing Toolbox for this purpose. The emphasis is mostly on ...
  • Teleskety.rar Remember the toy Telesketch ", with two checks, one for the point drawing verticaldel movement, and another that controls the horizontal movement? Well here are the program
  • PointC++.zip Calculates and displays a position of a point inside a square
  • CobanveLinuxShellScript.rar ... by a computer. In fact the typical car today has more raw computing power than the Lunar Lander. You can then go on to point out that there are a lot more embedded computers out in the world than there are PCs—by at least an order of magnitude. The ...
  • TGIS1.0.4.rar mapobject program,basic functions , zoom in ,zoom out, pan, move, identify. And advanced functions , mapEditFunction. you can add new polyline, polygon, point. and move featrues.
  • C++Programming.rar This document contains the guidelines for writing C/C++ code for Dynamic Software Solutions. The point of a style guide is to greater uniformity in the appearance of source code. The benefit is enhanced readability and hence maintainability for the ...
  • CProgrammingStyleGuidlines.rar This document contains the guidelines for writing C/C++ code for Dynamic Software Solutions. The point of a style guide is to greater uniformity in the appearance of source code. The benefit is enhanced readability and hence maintainability for the ...
  • point.rar (1) 掌握教材所介绍的图形算法的原理; (2) 掌握通过具体的平台实现图形算法的方法,培养相应能力; (3) 通过实验培养具有开发一个基本图形软件包的能力。