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  • rtsp.rar rtsp open source code Got from mpeg4ip project and I port to st platform
  • dansguardian- 一个UNIX/LINUX下的基于内容的过滤服务器源代码,可以设置关键词、URL、IP、PORT等多种方式进行网站过滤。
  • 串口源码.rar 我个人收藏的c++builder源代码文档,介绍了串口通信的开发
  • My_traffic_for_c51r.rar The traffic light is timed and lets cars pass during a specific time period. There is a pedestrial crossing button that lets pedestrians cross. The lights are connected to Port 1. You can see this in action using dScope.
  • uCOS-II-Win32-Port.zip ucos2.8在win32下的移植,cool。
  • job-scheduler-2.0.0.rar ... specified times. It gives users several options for scheduling programs. You can use telnet program to connect to the port job-scheduler is listenning for incomming connections on the host computer. Then you can get information about the current ...
  • 如何添加串口2和串口3的驱动_by kingmokey.rar 一个串口驱动开发教程,对初学者很有帮助,欢迎下载
  • Dotpot Port Scanner 0.92.zip 字符界面的端口扫描工具,速度挺快,扫描结束后结果将保存在当前目录的DPPS.TXT里。
  • ffuart.tar.gz In the ffuart.tar.gz it has one file. The serial.c is the source codes of the FFUART as a console port, it should be put into the directory: /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/, and be compiled into the kernel.
  • cc65.rar This directory is a port of uIP to the popular Commodore 64 home computer. In order to compile it, you need the cc65 C compiler that can be downloaded from <http://www.cc65.org/>.