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  • ftp_client.rar 一个小的FTP客户端,支持PORT与PASV模式。 Linux下的C代码,在FC3,4发行版下通过测试。
  • ARM JTAG 调试原理.rar 这篇文章主要介绍ARM JTAG调试的基本原理。基本的内容包括了TAP (TEST ACCESS PORT) 和BOUNDARY-SCAN ARCHITECTURE的介绍,在此基础上,结合ARM7TDMI详细介绍了的JTAG调试原理。
  • Rs232-CSharp.rar This class provides all the necessary support for communicatingwith the Comm Port (otherwise known the Serial Port, or RS232 port).IDE:VS.NET2003
  • CDWriter.zip his small example receives files over a network (listens on port 104), writes them to a temporary file, and then, when instructed by the user writes them directly to CD. The files are then deleted. In order to acheive the CD writing another ActiveX ...
  • ARM-1014.ZIP ucos-ii port to ARM 9
  • G.711 encoder and decoder A law.rar This program sets up the SPI port on the ADSP-BF533 toconfigure the AD1836 codec. The SPI port is disabledafter initialization. The data to/from the codec aretransfered over SPORT0 in I2S mode
  • MyWebServerCode.zip ... be used with Beta 1 with some minor modification. This application can co-exists with IIS or any web server, the key is to choose any free port. I assume that the user has some basic understanding of .NET and C# or Visual Basic .Net. 这个项目演示了如何用C#实现一个 ...
  • winrs232.rar 一个COM PORT的测试程式,能过COM 回路治具来实现.COM回路接法1-7-8,2-3,4-6-9,5
  • st10f166_adc.zip ... ST10F166 After configuring the A/D, the program reads the A/D result and outputs the converted value using the serial port. To run this program... Build the project (Project Menu, Build Target) Start the debugger (Debug Menu, Start/Stop Debug ...
  • rt_com-0.5.5.tar.gz A real-time serial port device driver, works with RT-Linux and RTAI.