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  • Speech_Test.rar ... Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) along with Vector Quantization (VQLBG) and Euclidean Distance to identify different characters. Based on the results, data was send to Parallel Printer Port of the computer & using relay different devices will be controlled.
  • HPGLcommanddetail.rar Detail Printer Command detail.
  • VisualBasicControlZ6MPlusPrinter.rar If your computer is connected by a Z6MPlus Printer,either the communication port is parallel or serial,this sample can help you to edit the content of the label and control the printer to print out the labels that designed by you.
  • 0900766b8021771e-ss.rar This document is a Users Guide, written for the person designing-in, connecting and using the Able Systems A104SB printer controller board for the EPSON M-160 series of 4-needle miniprinter mechanisms. Please read it carefully before making any ...
  • BIT1612_IDE_v122.rar ... /BIT1615/BIT1615H/BIT1617/BIT1625. 可在線調整所有IC 功能並提示 register 位址. Printer Port I2C kit 需Port95NT driver. 1) 安裝 Driver for USB I2C kit 2) 安裝 Port95NT for Printer Port I2C kit 3) 解壓縮 IDE 和SiUSBXp 至特定folder 即可. IDE utility 有 ...
  • ZaarHeadCon.zip Printer Head(Zaar 126) Controller Program
  • visualbasic_code.rar This is visual basic 6 sourcecode include utility getmacaddress, animate effect, connect printer port,Print via Excel,Input Image to database sorry my poor english
  • Project_Demo.rar Invoice Details. Calculation of total, VAT, Etc. then printing the invoice details, by sending command to printer,.
  • PRINTER.rar 与打印相关的一些Api函数名、函数说明、适用范围
  • MBPrinter.zip Activex used to select printer device avoiding standard VB6