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  • STDNAMES.ZIP Standard names for printer install
  • 2006889389160.rar 采用PRINTER对象直接对打印机操作,这次加入了边距设置功能。 所用三方控件,LBBUTTON
  • preview.zip ... and has properties of both TScrollBox component and TPrinter class. The key features of TPrintPreview are: Automatically adjusts printer s paper size and orientation at the print time Automatically adjusts mapping modes Preview pages can be scaled ...
  • NicePreview.zip ... feature to your application, bypassing a nitty-gritty screen-printer dpi (dot per inch) issue. All you have to ... All in pixel coordinate. NicePreview will not be notified when printer configurations change. So you have to call ReadPrinterConfig method ...
  • VB_acquisition_system_printe_set_default_printer.r VB 获取系统打印机并设置为默认打印机VB acquisition system printer and set as the default printer
  • VC_Programming_how_get_printer_information_classic VC编程开发如何获得打印机信息经典代码VC Programming how to get the printer information classic code
  • vc_programming_code_enumerate_printer_classic.rar vc编程实现如何枚举打印机经典代码vc programming code to enumerate printer classic
  • printer.rar 这是一个使用单片机串行通信口通过RS232总线与PC进行通信的测试程序,无需扩展. 可将DB9的第2和第3脚短路,进行自收自发测试. 采用串行中断接收,速率:9600,通信方式3,晶振使用:osc=11.0592MHz 使用SW1-SW6键盘发送文本数字1-6,数码管显示接收的ASCII数据
  • drivers_sample.zip Windows Printer Driver Development source sample
  • printVC.rar printer C++ programming,单片机通过CH375控制USB打印机