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  • 3d-printer- for creating 3D printer applications
  • Printer-HP-Display ... for this module with the perldoc command. perldoc Printer::HP::Display You can also look for information ... tracker http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Printer-HP-Display AnnoCPAN, Annotated CPAN documentation http://annocpan ...
  • Printer-EVOLIS ... .pbm back.pbm > evolis.commands Provides driver which generates printer command stream to print two-sided card from ... . scripts/evolis-simulator.pl evolis Simulator for EVOLIS printer commands which is useful for development. It creates ...
  • net-printer ... print to. * server [default: "localhost"] Name of the printer server * port [default: 515] The port you wish ... up this functionality in order to use Net::Printer with CUPS server. Consult your system documentation as ...
  • Dropbox-Printer ... ->Startup Applications (Gnome) - Give it a name, eg "Dropbox Printer" - Browse to the script 3. Log out, log in ... passed to imagemagick cups_options - CUPS job options TODO - Add printer selection - Try PIL instead of imagemagick - Add error handling ...
  • Printer-Dialog ... of text. It provides a dialog to make many many printer settings before starting to print. E.g. select: - ... of paper - colorscheme - line-numbering - .... Pressing pd opens the Printer Dialog in which you can make your settings and start/ ...
  • html-tag-printer A simple & small tool easily output HTML tags in php # HTML tag printer > Make the code clean when there are many dynamic attributes to be set on the element ### Example ```php echo T('a', array( 'href' => '//www.google.com', 'id' => 'google' ), 'hi ...
  • change-printer-message ... in a different programming language. Use whichever works best for you. ;-) These scripts use a feature known as Printer Job Language (PJL: http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Printer_Job_Language&oldid=328790684). Anyone interested in learning ...
  • Printer ... -of-semester Expo. It uses the carriage of an HP Photosmart printer, replacing the printhead with a servo holding a sharpie. An ... uses PID to position the pen and paper. [Video of the printer in operation](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tkd8McGoes) A ...
  • minitage.recipe.printer ... minitage ****************************************************************************** .. contents:: ======================= Introduction ======================= The egg has those entry point: - *printer*: print or dump to a file all versions ...