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  • external-wpa_supplicant ... . All these choices have proven to be insufficient: key space is too small against current attacks, RC4 key scheduling is ... = driver parameters -P = PID file -q = decrease debugging verbosity (-qq even less) -v = show version -w = wait for interface ...
  • android_external_wpa_supplicant ... . All these choices have proven to be insufficient: key space is too small against current attacks, RC4 key scheduling is ... = driver parameters -P = PID file -q = decrease debugging verbosity (-qq even less) -v = show version -w = wait for interface ...
  • QuickQuestion ... # [Pretty version](http://ttscoff.github.com/QuickQuestion/) The `qq` script and related extensions are designed to keep an ... : Ask a question by typing "qq" and selecting the "Quick Question" action. Hit space and type a [fragmented query ...
  • AcVim ... ,cm,cg,cu,cl,cn,cp,co,ci ;yy ;pp ;P ;ve ;ww,wf,qf,qq,qw,qa ;mm,/,mc,ma,mt,n,N,*,\# ;ld,lr ;sc,se,st ... \> ;xx,xs,xi,xy,xl,xb,xn,xu,x$,x\<space\>,xa,xm,xA \<space\>hjklweb... i:space> \left,right,up,down ysiw",cs"'... and ...
  • CsdnBlogMover ... :http://www.davelv.net/?p=321 Thanks for ordinary author Wei Wei(live space mover) (C) Davelv, homepage http://www.davelv.net (C) Wei Wei,homepage: ... 报告bug和提意见 电子邮件:davelv@qq.com 项目主页:http://www.davelv.net/?p=321 感谢live space mover的作者Wei Wei让我有个参考和修改的程序 ...
  • external_wpa_supplicant ... . All these choices have proven to be insufficient: key space is too small against current attacks, RC4 key scheduling is ... = driver parameters -P = PID file -q = decrease debugging verbosity (-qq even less) -v = show version -w = wait for interface ...
  • misc ... .com/script/Membership/View.aspx?mid=6131212 ## KaiJuanYouYi Demo ## QQ Demo ## PathButton [PathButton](http://www.eoeandroid.com/thread-148107-1-1.html) by [nanbabao](http://www.eoeandroid.com/space-uid-94886.html) ## ViewPager-Demo-1 类似[鲜果联播 ...
  • external_wpa_supplicant ... . All these choices have proven to be insufficient: key space is too small against current attacks, RC4 key scheduling is ... = driver parameters -P = PID file -q = decrease debugging verbosity (-qq even less) -v = show version -w = wait for interface ...
  • wp-sociable ... being the fastest growing leader in the sharing space of WordPress plugins. We really appreciate your feedback, ... 3.2.1 = 3.5.2 = * Added new services MOB, ??, ????, QQ??, LaTafanera, SheToldMe, viadeo FR, Diggita, Design Float * Removed ...
  • JSON ... possible. Equivalent to: $json->indent->space_before->space_after The indent space length is three and JSON::XS cannot change ... = $json->indent_length($length) With JSON::XS, The indent space length is 3 and cannot be changed. With ...