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  • platform_external_wpa_supplicant ... . All these choices have proven to be insufficient: key space is too small against current attacks, RC4 key scheduling is ... = driver parameters -P = PID file -q = decrease debugging verbosity (-qq even less) -v = show version -w = wait for interface ...
  • MIME-Lite ... The TAG will be converted to all-lowercase, and the VALUE will be made "safe" (returns will be given a trailing space). Beware: any MIME fields you "add" will override any MIME attributes I have when it comes time to output those ...
  • vroom-pm ... mappings specified in the local C<.vimrc>. =over =item C<< <SPACE> >> Advance one slide. =item C<< >> Go back one slide. ... PHP, Haskell or JavaScript, then run it accordingly. =item C<QQ> Quit Vroom. =item C Since these vim options ...
  • log4perl ... . %c{2} only logs the last two components of the current category, "Foo::Bar::Baz" becomes "Bar::Baz" and saves space. If those placeholders aren't enough, then you can define your own right in the config file like this: ...
  • perl5i ... A meta object is used to avoid polluting the global method space. mo was chosen to avoid clashing with Moose's meta ... require the given $module. This avoids funny things like eval qq[require $module] or die $@. It accepts only module names. On ...
  • mt-plugin-configassistant ... at the top of the page. * `hint` - is a space for you to provide more detail about the ... my $checked = $opt eq $value ? " checked=\"checked\"" : ""; push( @options, qq( ...
  • ff_nextpage ... .htm window.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { if (e.keyCode == 32) { e.preventDefault(); } }, true); ** disable space pagedown in firefox. no 2 window.onkeydown = function(e) { if(e.keyCode== ...
  • .vim ... `` | format elixir function call to pipeline at cursor ``<Space>fp`` | format elixir pipeline to function call at ... symbol of current document ``<space>qp`` | (Coc) Resume latest coc list ``<space>qq`` | (coc-clap) expose Coc ...
  • HTML-Table-FromDatabase ... borders around them, which many people consider broken. To stop this, by default empty cells receive a non-breaking space as their content. If you don't want this behaviour, set this option to a false value. CALLBACKS ...
  • vimfiles ... diw -- delete word under the cursor (excluding white space) daw -- delete word under the cursor (including white space) dG -- delete u or change command. 'o' -- to create a new line below, 'O' to enter one ...