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  • qtopiagps ... This is a port of xgps from the gpsd distribution to Qtopia for the Freerunner. UPDATED to run on qtmoko AKA Qt Extended. ... http://blog.wolfman.com/articles/2008/08/27/porting-xgps-to-qtopia-for-the-freerunner To build you need the Trolltech toolchain. > ...
  • qwo-debian ... libconfig libraries. You will need to install illume-config-illume to change the default keyboard on the Freerunner. Deactivate Qtopia keyboard by adding the line: export QTOPIA_NO_VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD=1 in the file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/89qtopia and restart ...
  • gqsync qtopia app to sync with your gmail addressbook
  • mqutim qutIM (2nd ver) port to Qtopia 4.3
  • linux-ezxdev a1200 kernel for qtopia-ezx Linux kernel release 2.4.xx These are the release notes for Linux version 2.4. Read them carefully, as they tell you what this is all about, explain how to install the kernel, and what to do if something goes wrong. WHAT ...
  • qtextended QtExtended, formerly known as Qtopia from TrollTech, discontinued by Nokia Qt Extended README

    Welcome to Qt Extended


    This is Trolltech's Qt Extended Open Source edition. See the

  • fbreader ... = maemo2 TARGET_ARCH = maemo UI_TYPE = maemo4 TARGET_ARCH = pma400 UI_TYPE = qtopia TARGET_ARCH = moto UI_TYPE = ezx TARGET_ARCH = win32 UI_TYPE = win32 ** ...
  • qmapcontrol ... /Qtopia widget which enables your (mobile) applications to use map data. What is QMapControl? ==================== QMapControl is a Qt/Qtopia widget which enables your (mobile) applications to use map data. Simply add the widget to your application, have ...
  • qtextended-device-ezx ... Kill motorola native interface: kill $(pidof am windowsserver misc1 soundmanager) Run qpe: export PATH=/ezxlocal/Qtopia/bin/:$PATH export QWS_MOUSE_PROTO="Tslib" export TSLIB_TSDEVICE=/dev/touchscreen/ucb1x00 export QWS_KEYBOARD=ezxkbdhandler export ...
  • gnash-fork ... --enable-gui=gtk --enable-gui=kde or --enable-gui=gtk,kde (default) Other guis: dump, fb, fltk, kde3, kde4, gtk, sdl, qtopia, hildon, alp, riscos, aqua. Some guis are very specialized (dump writes out raw frames to a disk file). Other guis are not ...