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  • medical_segmentation.rar Image segmentation script (code)
  • growcut.zip growcut image segmentation gui
  • SNAKEGVF.rar Active contour models, deformable surface models, edge detection, gradient vector flow, image segmentation, shape representation and recovery, snakes.
  • Chinesewordsegmentationprocedureforthecarving.rar 中文分词分割程序Chinese word segmentation procedure for the carving
  • segmenting_eeg.zip eeg segmentation codes...
  • regiontracing.rar ... to the images to extract the regions in the image and subsequently try and automate this complete procedure of segmentation. Using suitable descriptors of the extracted regions establish correspondence between the regions in the two images. Given : ...
  • kmeans-image-segmentation.rar K均值 很好用的K均值代码 很好用的K均值代码
  • gamma_half.rar 可以將圖片做segmentation可以將圖片做segmentation可以將圖片做segmentation可以將圖片做segmentation可以將圖片做segmentation可以將圖片做segmentation
  • segmentation.tar.gz 自己看吧
  • sizethres.rar segmentation code for license plate detection