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  • seg.zip Image Segmentation (Foreground separated from Background).
  • SkullyDoo_Source_Image_segmentation_in_C++.rar System for segmentation in C++
  • imgseg.zip code for image segmentation
  • NcutImage_7_1.zip A matlab program of image segmentation.
  • AdaptiveColorBackgroundModeling.rar Adaptive Color Background Modeling for Real-Time Segmentation of Video Streams
  • PeriodicMotionDetectionAndSegmentation.rar Periodic Motion Detection and Segmentation via Approximate Sequence Alignment
  • tan.rar 图像分割,具体算法参考一下论文 Zhi-Gang Tan, Xiao-Chen Heand Nelson H. C. Yung A Novel Merging Criterion Incorporating Boundary Smoothness and Region Homogeneity for Image Segmentation
  • seg1.rar segmentation tools for segmention lazy snaping
  • seg2.rar segmentation tools for segmention lazy snaping
  • seg3.rar segmentation tools for segmention lazy snaping