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  • preprocv.rar 30 ms segmentation with Hammimng window (20ms overlap) and eliminate silence part
  • upload_494fbe910baaa_image.rar image segmentation,use the otsu method bu c++ bulider.
  • myimgLabeller.zip A Qt4 and OpenCV program to label a image at pixel level, It has inbuild segmentation algorithm included, with a bar for varying parameters. Useful tool for annotating a image.
  • LBF_v0_v0.1.zip image segmentation using active contour model for segmntation purpose
  • lms.zip Least mean square algorithm for image segmentation
  • GrabCut.zip Implementation of grab cut image segmentation algorithm
  • MAPML_Segmentation_Program.rar Image Segmentation by MAP-ML Estimations
  • EMMCLUSTER.tar.gz Segmentation of Image using k-Means based on centroid values
  • Eye_tracking.rar This is a program for human eye tracing. using skin color segmentation.i include some database.
  • face_detection.rar this is a human face detection program using color segmentation.i include some pics with it.