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  • CodeBookBackground.zip Real-time foreground–background segmentation using codebook mode
  • ex4.rar Source for image smoothing, segmentation, Pyr Down... Using Eclipse IDE and OpenCV library
  • imm922[1].rar 这篇文献的名称是:Analysis and Segmentation of Face Images using Point Annotations and Linear Subspace Techniques。介绍的方法实现都是基于IMM人脸数据库的。
  • acontour.zip active contour segmentation with matlab.
  • DCT_ColorSegmentation.rar 本文件包含有DCT转换(一维DCT转换,二维DCT转换),彩色图像(RGB)的segmentation。代码用visual c++编写,可以直接运行。
  • codes.zip the above codes are very useful for image segmentation,edge detection
  • code.zip the above uploaded codes are very useful for image segmentation,edge detection
  • DisgnositicOnCAN.RAR.rar ... to both application. Although this specification is written to meet the diagnostic application requirements, the scheme of message segmentation can be apply to another application involving messages with more than 7 data bytes. This document does not ...
  • mrfdemo-1.8.zip This is the sample implementation of a Markov random field (MRF) based image segmentation algorithm
  • Regiongrowing.rar Region growing image segmentation algorith in matlab