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  • AssignmentSubmission.zip ... or better input for the image processing technique as in the assignment. In the first part of the assignment is the segmentation using thresholding technique. Before we threshold the image, we need to prepare the better image for input such as ...
  • gui.rar A matlab for detecting events in a soccer game video. Used covariance tracking to recognize ball. Used color-based segmentation to recognize players. Based on curvature of the ball trajectories and the position relationship between players, events are ...
  • 09-11.rar this article is used to explain the color segmentation of cells
  • paper2.rar paper : An Ontology for Knowledge-based Segmentation of Organs at Risk in
  • watershadmodified.rar papier en francais : Segmentation par ligne de partage des eaux basée sur des
  • Color-model-and-textur-features-based-on-color-ima 基于颜色模型和纹理特征的彩色水果图像分割方法Color model and texture features based on color image segmentation method fruit
  • A-comparison-of-RGB-and-HSI-color-segmentation-in Research Paper on Colour Spaces
  • regiongrow_segmentation.rar Perform segmentation by Region Groing.matlab code
  • patterndetection.zip pattern recognition for segmentation of image
  • tre.rar Adaptive thresholding for segmentation of the images