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  • Algorithmic-and-Mathematical-Principles-of-Automa ... principles and algorithms, which ensure a process of number plate detection, processes of proper characters segmentation, normalization and recognition. Work comparatively deals with methods achieving invariance of systems towards image skew, ...
  • New-Folder.rar enframe is a function used in speech signal processing to split up the speech into frames ..segmentation is done using segment.m. durbin levinson code is also included along with the autocorrelation function and the energy code is inclluded along with the ...
  • LGIF.zip 这是“Active contours driven by local and global intensity fitting energy with application to brain MR image segmentation”(简称LGIF模型)的MATLAB源代码。LGIF模型是非常重要局部区域活动轮廓模型, 它结合了CV模型和LBF模型各自的优点。
  • example.rar ridge segmentation program
  • Weizmann_Seg_DB_1obj.ZIP segmentation database
  • SimpleCond.rar this condensation algorithm used for image segmentation
  • tvregsegmentation.zip tvreg Variational Image Restoration and Segmentation
  • -image.rar this program is used for image segmentation
  • edisonbinary.rar edison system for mean shift segmentation process and filtering
  • 10[1]. this is a digital image based document for image segmentation