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  • ov9657_rev5_vga.rar OV9655 Sensor VGA尺寸下的寄存器配置值,由OV公司提供,经实际验证,可用!
  • CIS_CPLD.zip 用s3c44b0x和 CIS(ContactImage Sensor) 传感器接口
  • sense-2.0.1.zip nRF24E1 sample sensor node code
  • WiSNAP.rar 针对无线传感器环境的应用,Wireless Image Sensor Network Application Platform ,提供有ADCM1670库,CC2420库,此代码提供了MATLAB和环境的接口,可结合自己开发项目进行改动
  • ET21x130_sensor.rar 在台湾义统公司,smart sensor ET21X130D摄像头演示程序
  • AN214.rar 低成本电子罗盘DataSheet规格书资料。REFERENCE DESIGN: LOW COST COMPASS; Honeywell SENSOR PRODUCTS
  • feedbacktime.rar t transistor has the characteristics of components of the sensor real-time measurement of voltage and current signals through, obtained quality factor correction circuit for the feedback and the feedback time, IBM used the feedback field effect transistor ...
  • taiyaji.rar 本装置是一个以HT46R71D 为主芯片,配合传感器组成的汽车轮胎气压检测装 置,最终取高三位有效值于LCD 显示,有四种显示单位供切换(Psi、Bar、Kpa、 Kgf/cm2)。本装置仅为参考范例,使用时,为提高准确度,建议多量测些组数 据来构建Sensor Output Voltage - Discharge Time (V-T)表格,并作相应校准。
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  • pt-1.0.tar.gz Protothreads are extremely lightweight stackless threads designed for severely memory constrained systems such as small embedded systems or sensor network nodes.