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  • newreport1.rar SHS Driver Assistant Sensor Series车载摄像头论文
  • ChallengesforUWSN.rar Challenges Building Scalable and Distributed Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSNs) for Aquatic Applications.pdf
  • UWSNchallenges2.rar Underwater acoustic sensor networks-research challenges.pdf
  • JN-AP-1015-Zigbee-Wireless-Sensor-Network-1v4.zip 在jennic平台上的包括路由器和协调器的程序。基于ZIGBEE协议。
  • Sense.rar The platform is TinyOS. It periodically samples the photo sensor and displays the highest 3 bits of the raw ADC light reading to the LEDs, with RED being the most signficant bit and YELLOW being the least significant bit.
  • SenseToLeds.rar The plotform is TinyOS. When the clock fires, this application reads the light sensor * and displays the higher 3 bits of the ADC readings to LEDs. * * This application behaves the same as Sense in Lesson 2 however, * it is built simply by wiring ...
  • Oscilloscope.rar ... the Oscilloscope application, * a simple TinyOS app that periodically takes sensor readings * and sends a group of readings over the UART. The default * sensor used is the Photo component. This application uses * the AM_OSCOPEMSG AM handler.
  • featureselection.zip feature-selection-with-acquisition cost-for-optimizing-sensor-system-design.pdf
  • featurecomputationforautomatedconfigutationofMulti comparison of PSO-Based Optimized feature computation for automated configutation of Multi-sensor systems
  • 2007-11-13.rar Colour-Imager Characterization by parametric fitting of sensor responses.pdf