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  • MATLAB_GUI_for_Realizing_the_Radiation_Pattern_of_ ... specify the array geometry, directions of incoming signals, noise power, and the type of beamformer. Useful for gaining insight about collaborative beamforming in sensor networks and random arrays. You need both randomarray.fig and randomarray.m to work.
  • TinyOS.rar 基于T i n y O S 的无线传感器网络体系结构 无线传感器网络WSN(Wireless Sensor Network) 由部署在监测区域内大量廉价的传感器节点组成,通过 无线通信方式形成multi2hop 自组织的网络系统,其目的是协作地感知、采集和处理网络覆盖区域中感知 对象的信息,并发送给观察者。本文从分析无线传感器节点Mica 和其上运行的操作系统TinyOS 出发, 着重描述无线传感器网络节点应用程序体系结构和消息通信机制。
  • DS18B20TemperatureSensorC51procedureswithoutCRC.ra DS18B20 Temperature Sensor C51 procedures, without CRC
  • pawis-2.0.tar.gz Simulation framework for power aware Wireless Sensor and Actor Network nodes to model all layers of the communication system, the application, the power supply and energy management, the digital processing unit and the sensor-actuator interface.
  • wireless-matlab-0.5.rar simulator of wireless sensor network operates under matlab
  • Wiley.IEEE.Press.Mobile.Wireless.and.Sensor.Networ 无线IP地址和移动互联网建设(英文原版)不可多得的无线互联网技术
  • SENSOR11111.rar 美光的摄像头sensor MT9D131的原理图
  • myproblem.rar 在保证一个覆盖面积的情况下,wireless sensor随机分布在该区域,用Cplex找到一个最佳wireless sensors状态方案,在同一时间里只激活部分sensors达到监控要求,以实现最大限度延长无限网络的监控时间。
  • WSN-2007.rar The power management problem for wireless sensor networks has been studied intensively. Various approaches for reducing the energy expenditure have been presented in literature
  • leach.zip The power management problem for wireless sensor networks has been studied intensively. Various approaches for reducing the energy expenditure have been presented in literature