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  • ebook.Topology_Control_in_Wireless_Ad_Hoc_and_Sen Topolody control in Wireless Sensor Network
  • wireless_sensor_network_designs.rar Wireless Sensor Network Design
  • i2c_pas106b.rar ATEST_PAS106BBA sensor i2c 範例 可供各位參考 code使用無誤
  • sensor.rar 采用LabwindowsCVI编写的一摄像头采集程序。
  • LumosCPP.zip Example of using HTC sensor api to get Light sensor value and set backlight level in modern HTC phones. This app will replace original autobacklight level regulator and add more customizable options.
  • 1.zip Practical design techniques for sensor signal condition
  • DS1820.rar Working with DS1820 temperature sensor on SAM7 mC. Watch for timings!
  • Wireless_Sensor_Networks_An_Information_Processin Good Book for Builder of Sensor Network
  • LEACH.rar This is the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy routing protocol [LEACH] source code for wireless sensor network we have used.It is developed with MatLab7
  • SensorStream.rar Sensor Stream for BF561