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  • myns-alpha-0.1.tar.gz 模拟器提供了一个简单易用的平台,实施application-layer/P2P协议和测试的大型网络。在此,已经实现三个应用层组播协议仿真: Sequence of direct unicasts Narada NICE
  • Introduction_to_Algorithms_Portuguese_Brazil.zip ... : Technical Course in Data Processing, Logic Programming and Development of Algorithms and Programs (CAP) An algorithm is a sequence of instructions in a logical order for the resolution of a particular task or problem. Portugues: Curso Técnico em ...
  • expandPNSeq.rar expand PN Sequence for CDMA 2000
  • reader.tar.gz AJAX Book Reader is a complete AJAX client-server application that may be used with a Web browser to display a sequence of text files one page at a time. The display style is completely controlled by a configuration file. The first application of this is ...
  • Seq_Align.zip Sequence Alignment of DNA
  • recognition.rar this file has codes that describes how to ccmpute the signal spectrum , the power spectrum, how to calculate the autocorrelation sequence of a signal, how to calculate the autoregressive coeffecients of a signal,and how to reduce the noisy elements in a ...
  • final.rar ... DS CDMA Systems?we apply a multi-carrier signaling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver provides a correlator ...
  • MCDSCDMASYSTEM.rar ... DS CDMA Systems?we apply a multi-carrier signaling technique to a direct-sequence CDMA system, where a data sequence multiplied by a spreading sequence modulates multiple carriers, rather than a single carrier. The receiver provides a correlator ...
  • NN.zip zero sequence caliculation
  • bren.zip perl tester to steam character sequence. formats it into lines