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  • fibonacci.rar efective way to generate "fibonacci" without rekurency - generates numbers from fibonacci sequence - (natural numbers)
  • matlab_simulation_DS_interception.zip These are some code for direct sequence spread spectrum system using different methods which can be used for DSSS signal interception.
  • PeriodicMotionDetectionAndSegmentation.rar Periodic Motion Detection and Segmentation via Approximate Sequence Alignment
  • rawvideoplayer_src.zip YUV 4:2:2, YUV 4:4:4, YUV4:2:0 raw video sequence player. YUV foramt to RGB format convert.
  • frame_merge.zip this source is YUV sequence merge program. It works windowsxp console application.
  • Gold_code_generation.zip This m-file generate Gold Sequences of length 31 by taking the modulo-2 sum of two m-sequence generators.
  • walshcode.zip ... the walsh matrix and randomly selected row (you may need just one sequence for your script) for usage details refer to file. syntax: ... var will be a matrix (y x y) for getting any one sequence go to the file and invoke another built in function by ...
  • asr2000.rar Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) are a popular approach for speech recognition. Commonly, a left-to-right Markov chain topology is used, where each phoneme is represented by a sequence of states (typically three) [
  • DS1340.zip Initializing sequence for DS1340
  • sequence.rar 1. 实现简单的选择排序、直接插入排序和冒泡排序。 2. 实现希尔排序算法。 3. 实现快速排序算法。 4. 在主函数中涉及一个简单的菜单,分别测试上述的算法。