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  • Battlefield_C_2008.zip ... programmers with the regular use of several variations of breadth-first-search algorithms as well as one depth-first-search move-sequence solution algorithm, which are explained below. As a class and DLL, the battlefield project can be used to build a ...
  • m_seq.rar generating maximum legnth sequence bu determining the generator function and initial condition
  • Dancing_Lights.rar program for Night Raider Sequence
  • Night_Rider.rar program for Night Raider Sequence on PIC17C756A
  • wcdmathesis.rar ... spread, delay spread, and incorporate additional concepts such as direction of arrival and antenna array geometry. PN sequence properties and generation are studied. Spreading and scrambling techniques are present. RAKE receiver and multiuser detection ...
  • mani.rar MMSE Generation of a naive training sequence.. Assuming BPSK modulation
  • PRBS.rar pseudo random bit sequence generator
  • gen.rar sequence generator -hardware implementation (structural)
  • vdnclaba.rar ... below creates a frequency-flat Rayleigh fading channel object and uses it to process a DBPSK signal consisting of a single vector. Notice that the example uses filter before awgn this is the recommended sequence to use when you combine fading with AWGN
  • Code_Find.rar This is a matlab code for m sequence code finding