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  • Desktop.rar Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
  • maximumincreasingsubsequence.zip ... finding the longest increasing subsequence is to use the Longest Common Subsequence (Dynamic Programming) algorithm. 1. Make a sorted copy of the sequence A, denoted as B. O(nlog(n)) time. 2. Use Longest Common Subsequence on with A and B. O(n2) ...
  • decimation_test.zip Decimation reduces the original sampling rate for a sequence to a lower rate, the opposite of interpolation. The decimation process filters the input data with a lowpass filter and then resamples the resulting smoothed signal at a lower rate.
  • some.zip matlab function file.m-sequence, gold-sequence, crosscorrelation, autocorrelation.
  • AT9CStartup.rar ARM Start up sequence
  • Sequence.zip 一个法雷序列算法,对任意给定的一个自然数(n<=100),将分母小于等于n的不可约的真分数按上升的次序排序,并且在第一个分数前加上0/1, 而在最后一个分数后加上1/1。
  • GLIST.zip The longest growth sequence
  • DSSS.rar direct sequence spread spectrum
  • TCPIPTutorial.zip ... passed to the IP protocol. Each unit of data is assigned a sequence number, which becomes part of the TCP packet. At the receiving end, the TCP module uses the sequence numbers in the packet to reconstruct the user data in the correct ...