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  • ram.rar vhdl program for random access memory and sequence detector
  • mseq.zip m sequence polynomial
  • Sequence.rar 一些关于 Csharp and Ado.NET 的几章课件,共享给大家
  • sequeue.rar sequence data struct
  • rotozoom.rar Generates a synthetic YUV video sequence suitable for codec testing.
  • LABEX3ParsevalsRelation.rar Parsevals Relation and Relations between the DFTs of the Periodic Even and Odd Parts of a Real Sequence
  • LABEX4.rar Illustration of Circular Shift of a Sequence
  • 10.rar Training Sequence Design for Discriminatory Channel Estimation in Wireless MIMO Systems
  • VITERBI_QUANTIZATION.rar This routine performes trellis quanization of input sequence and provides output which should be further arithmetically coded. The program can be used for research ot teaching purposes to study performance of vector quantization, in particlular code- ...
  • PNGen.rar ... sequnece of length (N)according to Generation Polynom and input state. Inputs: G - Generation Polynom, Zin - Initial state of Shift register N - The length of PN sequence Outputs: y - The resulting PN sequence Z - The output state of Shift register