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  • LABEX1.rar ... Generation of a Unit Sample Sequence Program P1_2 Generation of a complex exponential sequence Program P1_3 Generation of ... by Averaging Program P1_6 Generation of amplitude modulated sequence Program P1_7 Generation of a swept frequency sinusoidal ...
  • Degree-sequence.rar 复杂度:在给定样本中不同DNA 序列的总长度。
  • overlap_add.rar filter design for long data sequence. (overlap add method)
  • overlap_save.rar filter design for long data sequence. (overlap save method)
  • palindrome.rar this is java coding where it is test the word is palindrome or no..palindrome is the word,phrase, number or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction.For example "madam".
  • fft.zip 一种实序列FFT新算法与C语言实现FFT of a real sequence and the C language implementation of new algorithms
  • sim.rar ... .m : to find distance between two longitude-latitude coordinate -fresspaceloss.m: to calculate freespace path loss - cazacseq.m: to generate cazac sequence - pusc.m : to generate index for pusc in wimax - FCH generator: to generate FCH in wimax
  • RIVLBP.rar This function is to compute the Basic VLBP and two kinds of rotation invariant VLBP features for a video sequence
  • LBPTOP.rar This function is to compute the LBP-TOP features for a video sequence
  • backgroundsub.zip ... another approach. It s possible to compare the current frame not with the previous one but with the first frame in the video sequence. So, if there were no objects in the initial frame, comparison of the current frame with the first one will give us the ...