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  • DSSS.rar source code for direct sequence spread spectrum
  • Sequence-table-operation.rar 在顺序存储结构实现基本操作:初始化、创建、插入、删除、查找、遍历、逆置、合并运算。
  • sem03_paper_03307071.rar Micro-controller Based Multi-phase Sequence Detection System.
  • ASK-PSK-FSK.rar Implementation of ASK modulation, PSK and FSK. This application allows the user to generate a random binary sequence and then choose the type of modulation and the frequency with which he wants to work. Once the parameters are set, click on OK to see the ...
  • simri_2.0.tar.gz It s a MRI imaging simulator including sequence design of magnetism, and image reconstructurion, which written in matlab and C++
  • cdfplot.m.zip plot the cumulative distribution function of a sequence given in input as a vector.
  • CRFProbabilistic-Models-for-Segment.rar Conditional Random Fields Probabilistic Models for Segmenting and Labeling Sequence Data
  • PresqueRSA_TP3.rar this source code is a visual C++ application wich encryptes a sequence of characters,using RSA encrypting algorithme.it uses Microsoft .NET framework
  • sequence-queue.rar c++编写的顺序队列,实现在队列中插入、显示、删除及获取第一个元素等功能
  • Bioinformatics.rar 生物信息学课件 基于后缀数的算法 包括了String algortm,Hidden Markov model以及App of DNA sequence