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  • Performance-Analysis-of-Multicarrier-CDMA-with-cf This paper studied the carrier-frequency offset effect on the performance of asynchronous multicarrier direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (MC-DS-CDMA) systems with aperiodic random spreading and correlated Rayleigh fading. This paper also ...
  • vm984.zip Android Start-up Sequence
  • socket.zip Implement a simple file transfer system. The client sends a sequence of upload and download requests. An upload request contains the name and the content of the file. A download request contains the name of the file, and the server answers ...
  • dsuwb.rar The system simulation I have made is about Transceiver system. It s about Direct Sequence CDMA + Ultra Wide Band Simulation,which computing BER vs SNR to display the system performance. Main Program is in maindsuwb.m, you can run the overall system to ...
  • DS_SS.rar It will ask for input the bit stream then generate pseudorandom bit sequence, finally give output as direct sequence spread spectrum
  • Number-Sequence.rar Problem Description FatMouse prepared M pounds of cat food, ready to trade with the cats guarding the warehouse containing his favorite food, JavaBean. The warehouse has N rooms. The i-th room contains J[i] pounds of JavaBeans and requires F[i] pounds ...
  • spread-spectrum-correlation-properties-simulation the two .m file used to generate m sequence and compute two sequences s correlation properties, for example to compute two gold sequences s correlations properties
  • walsh-seq-a-gold-seqa-correlation-properties.rar these m file can generate walsh sequence , gold sequence and walsh&m multiplexed sequence and can compute two sequences s correlation properties.
  • 94117c05d50c.rar Its a clock Sequence for DDR3 Controller.Hope u find it useful
  • akiyo30_qcif_300.zip It contain sequence of YUV frames of akiyo30_qcif_300 for video compression