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  • sha1-service ... sha1sum and return the checksum. Example: This would generate sha1 checksum for the content of the "original" datastream in ... Fedora object with pid chagneme:20 http://localhost:3000/sha1?url=http://localhost:8983/fedora/objects/changeme:20/datastreams ...
  • sha1-visualizer Visualize SHA1 bit differences Based on concept and code found here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id= ... : Peter Waller sha1_process_message originally based on: http://www.webtoolkit.info/javascript-sha1.html
  • node-sha1 ... sha1) [![download count](https://img.shields.io/npm/dt/sha1.svg)](http://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package ... ("message"); ~~~ This will return the string: "6f9b9af3cd6e8b8a73c2cdced37fe9f59226e27d" API --- ### sha1(msg) Returns the SHA-1 hash of the ...
  • js-typed-array-sha1 sha1 with js typed arrays So far, this works with everything I've managed to throw at it. It's an implementation of SHA-1 in Javascript, using Typed Arrays and can process fairly large files (I tried it on a 3.9GB file, and it worked). On my computer it ...
  • sha1 Kanso package for the sha1 module
  • Forth-Sha1-16-bit Sha1 digest (hash) for 16 bit Forth implementations, specifically QED Forth
  • perl-Digest-SHA1 Digest-SHA1 Perl module
  • ruby-git-sha1 Ruby script for sha1 value count as it git does Ruby script for sha1 value count as it git does Written just for fun on conversation http://juick.com/dmz/1374908 (Russian) If you commit some files long time ago. After that you or your teammates renamed ...
  • mips-sha1 SHA1, written in MIPS assembly
  • NSString-Sha1 Simple Category of NSString that allows for easy SHA1 hashing