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  • oauth-hmac-sha1-test Test for hand made oauth-hmac-sha1 Qt-based
  • oauth-hmac-sha1-twitter another oauth-hmac-sha1 test with twitter app
  • password-policy-encryption-sha1 SHA-1 encryption module for Password::Policy # NAME Password::Policy::Encryption::SHA1 - The SHA-1 algorithm for Password::Policy # VERSION version 0.01 # AUTHOR Andrew Nelson # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c ...
  • perl-Digest-SHA1 Digest::SHA1 - interface to the SHA-1 algorithm
  • sha1 Simple implementation of SHA1 in C A simple implementation of the SHA-1 hashing algorithm as per RFC 3174, in C, mainly for learning purposes.
  • hmac-sha1 little tool to generate PHP compatible HMAC-SHA1 messages
  • sha1 Check for duplicated files using by multithread searching sha1: Find duplicated files on a recursive way =========================================================================== Author: Jose María Zaragoza Level: Beginner Technologies: Java Summary: ...
  • sha1-sat SAT instance generator for SHA-1 sha1-sat -- SAT instance generator for SHA-1 ============================================ # Compiling To compile, you first need to make sure you have the Boost libraries installed. When you do, simply run make.sh: ...
  • sha1 ... the included makefile, this will produce an executable named `sha1`._ To build the executable with verbose output enabled ... executable, run: ```bash $ make uninstall ``` #### USAGE To obtain a sha1 message digest for a particular file, run: ```bash $ ...
  • sha1 Client SHA1 # sha1 SHA1 component ## Credits Paul Johnston Greg Holt, Andrew Kepert, Ydnar, Lostinet Caolan McMahon ## License MIT License Copyright (c) 2013 Enrico Marino and Federico Spini Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any ...