matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
matlab with simulink can do simulation of wimax before you can model your system then simulate to improve the performance
This Matlab program simulate one user Convolutional coding MC-CDMA on Multi path fading channel
A matlab code that simulate wavelet based OFDM CDMA over multi path fading channel with covvolutional encoder.
To simulate the CSMA/CD and CSMA protocols and analyse their performance particularly mean delay and throughput using netsim.
... LBM in C++
In which, as a counterpoint to abstract virtual generic templated meta-programming, we present a concrete code to simulate on precisely two computational nodes using a 1D lattice Boltzmann model with omega = 1 the heating of one end of a 1m ...
These files would use perception network to simulate AND and OR functions!
A sensor network simulation with matlab that simulate the power consumption in collecting data.