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  • MyTomcat.rar TomCat is a very good and useful Serverlet container. In this project i tried to simulate a servletcontainer just like Tomcat so called MyTomcat!
  • upload_pudn6.rar This program is used to Simulate the performance of (n,k)Reed Solomon code in AWGN channel with plotting the results and compare with the theoretical performance of this code in AWGN channel. The program also print the SNRdB, absolute snr ,simulated ...
  • bs-simulate-model.rar ns-2环境下的集中式网络仿真代码,有基本的基站设置
  • PAPRforarandomBPSKandQPSK.rar PAPR for random BPSK and QPSK simulate the PAPR for with random BPSK (and QPSK) modulation on a 128pt FFT with and without rotating the upper 20MHz subcarriers by j.
  • QAM.rar MAQ-N with N in(1,2,3,4) modulation implementation code devlopped to simulate this numeric modulation with constellation and BRE (bit rate error) (french comments may be annoying ) whith a graphique interface to simulte sms transmission end reception with ...
  • adhoc.tcl.tar.gz network simulator example to simulate simple wireless scenarios in adhoc networks
  • 01.rar I can’t see changing in test bench (no clock signal) when I simulate with ModelSim so that I will ask the designer and then I will descript more with the pictures later.
  • proteus-simulate.rar 最简单的12个proteus仿真例子 经典
  • Deltarobot17_05_10.rar this is may project that simulate the parallel robot using the library OpenGl
  • Supportvectormachinebasedbatterymodelforelectricve ... Urban Driving Schedule (FUDS) cycle to set up the SVM model. Compared with the Nernst and Shepherd combined model, the SVM model can simulate the battery dynamics better with small amounts of experimental data. The maximum relative error is 3.61 .