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  • LTSA.rar LTSA is tool to simulate different algorithms.
  • BPF_Image.zip This function is a very simple application of FFT2 for an image to simulate the effect of bandpass filter with two cut off frequencies. One can easily modify the programme to do the processes for different images, and even implement highpass and ...
  • TraNS.zip use ful for simulate mobility.
  • 16QAMMODULATIONBER.rar A simple code to simulate BER of 16QAM modulation
  • SimuMicros3D_MultiSo_MultiMic.rar This code permit to simulate the sound received on microphones given their positions, the positions of the sound source(s), the frequency sampling of acquisition and the speed of sound. Assuming anechoical conditions.
  • LivingMachinesUseofGeneticalAlgorithms.zip ... algorithm premised on the evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetic. The basic concept of GAs is designed to simulate processes in natural system necessary for evolution, specifically those that follow the principles first laid down by Charles ...
  • Cooperative_MIMO_AFDF.rar Cooperative MIMO matlab file to simulate Cooperative MIMO relaying system
  • code.zip ns2 code to simulate wireless network .
  • wfrp_802_15_4.tcl.zip ns2 code to simulate wireless sensor network