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  • dsr.tar.gz tcl coding for 3 node in dsr routing protocol and to simulate in network simulator 2
  • toratcl.tar.gz tcl coding for 3 node in tora routing protocol and to simulate in network simulator 2
  • jpeg.zip this is the jpeg code i try to simulate in matlab
  • quiz2.zip gauss quadrature simulation with PID simulink file. this file can be used to simulate and analyzed the gaussian equation till 3 point of integration.
  • ofdmci.rar Simulation program to realize OFDM transmission system Simulate effect of interfarence noise
  • DACN06.zip sao the code simulate OFDM in telecom
  • mns232.zip mns support ns-2 2.32 to simulate MPLS network
  • solarpositionermanu.rar a program to simulate the position of the sun in the sky by two angles the altitude and the azimuth
  • Simulate.rar vc++写的让程序产生按键消息及鼠标单击(右击、双击)的鼠标消息
  • Billboard_lighting.rar Simulate a lighting effect using Billboard technique. The Project is depending on OpenSceneGraph library.