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  • 9.rar it is used to simulate mimo model
  • bb.rar To simulate a two-layer feed-forward network for approximating a function y = sin(x).*cos(3*x)
  • 1.rar this code is used to simulate the power of rayleigh fading
  • wordcount.rar Simulate wc command in Linux
  • ber_qamofdm.rar this file to simulate the performance of QAM based OFDM using the BERtool
  • MMSE_detection_2x2.rar This code simulate mimo mmse code for 2*Nt and 2*Nr antenna
  • Eight_PSK.m.zip Matlab code to simulate 8 PSK
  • 1.rar Design a program to simulate a simple hand-held calculator. Supports arithmetic operations +, -, *, /, =, and C (clear), A (clear) operations. -
  • createCrmOrder.rar Create order, to simulate the single, really do not know what to write.
  • Time-Line-Simulate.rar Smart code for smart time line component