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  • AssignmentP3.rar ... -4-line decoders using three description styles, i.e., behavioral, dataflow and structural descriptions. (1) Synthesize and (2) simulate these models respectively in the environment of Xilinx ISE and ModelSim simulator. When simulating these models, test ...
  • DWDM.rar this file explains how to design and simulate a DWDM using optisystem
  • sigpipe_main.rar Main program to simulate a SIGPIPE signal, and check if the System have the correct behavior
  • simulate.rar Rabbit and wolves - simulation . :) enjoy
  • Localisation-IEEE802.15.3a.zip It is script to simulate algo for tdoa uwb
  • OFDM.zip this code is to simulate the OFDM signal
  • decoder.rar This paper put forward a pseudorandom sequence coder and decoder design scheme based on FPGA technology, in order to simulate the process of SSC (Spread Spectrum Communication). This scheme can be used as a didactical method to introduce SSC technology ...
  • attachments_2012_01_16.zip malab model foe calss c chopper with design and values to simulate and se various waveforms
  • P.6---PLC-Simulator.rar This Project Lets your to simulate a PLC for Making Close or Open the Power Line with Computer Far away. This Project has an Application and a middle-ware for controling.
  • Cosgrove-Software-Model-Zip-Folder.zip The is a fully functional GPS SDR. It can accept real data or simulate its own data. It performs correlation, signal parameters discrimination, and loop filtering both code and carrier with the option of carrier loop aiding of the code loop. There are ...