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  • process-simulate.rar c++模拟系统进程调度,(控制台程序) 包括FCFS,时间片轮转,多级反馈,静态优先级,动态优先级 可以动态创建进程,阻塞进程,唤醒进程
  • Multipath-Rayleigh-fading-channel.rar Full set of MATLAB code to simulate the Multipath fading channel in telecommunication
  • Matriz-de-imagenes.rar C# source code example to how to implement an numeric matrix to simulate the snake game.
  • Sokoban.rar C# source code example to how to use a numeric matrix to simulate sokoban game
  • PROG.rar AN assembleur algorithm described an algorithm using in telecom znd can simulate it with ISIS simulator
  • SCHEMAsimul.rar Schema used in ISIS to simulate the algorithm writen in assembleur language
  • InputSimulator. Simulate Keyboard and Mouse Input using C# in Vista/W7. Includes library and example sources.
  • grin.zip Software to simulate hamiltonian problem, and other mathematic problems with graphics
  • AssignmentP6.rar 1. For the VHDL model given below (Code List One), compare the FIFOs implementations on CPLD and FPGA. (1) Synthesize and verify (simulate) the VHDL design of the FIFOs (2) For CPLD implementation (fit) of the FIFOs, how many MCs (macrocells) and PTs ( ...
  • AssignmentP4.rar Assignment 4: 1. Analyze and simulate the following code lists (code1 and code 2) with the same input signals shown below by presenting POW and OL. If the data type of “a, b, c, d, u, v, w, x, y, z” is declared as std_logic, what will the simulation ...