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  • On_Off.RAR On/Off App - how to simulate screen turn off
  • areptone_mbpoll.zip Modbus Software Can be use to test and simulate Modbus ASCII and RTU. Easy connection and free to test
  • About-the-T.rar this is a brief description about using HFSS software to design a T-junction and simulate it is performance like E-field.
  • Tee.rar this is a simulation using HFSS software to simulate the performance of the T-junction in different situation.
  • triangular_wave.zip sr flipflop verilog you can simulate it in any eda tool
  • LCD-595.rar The program written with IAR MSP430 compiler for LCD display. You can rebuild the LCD code for MSP 430 & you can simulate with Proteus. PS: Proteus version must be 7.2 or higher. Good job.
  • One-Wire-LCD.rar one wire LCD driving for MSP430 Mcu. You can simulate with proteus 7.2 version or high. Only one wire is enough for driving LCD 16X2 . Best wishes.
  • STEP-MOTOR.rar Step motor driving with MSP430 and Proteus simulation. The code written with IAR MSP430 compiler. You can rebuild and debug and simulate Stepper motor. Best wishes...
  • QAM.zip matlab model file to simulate QAM modulation and demod.
  • Semafor.rar Simulate semafor work