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  • SmartUpdate.zip Automatic Smart Update Source.
  • Hansdv.zip Smart Update Service Program
  • SelfUpdate.zip Smart Update Self Update Program
  • SmartUpdate_Edit.zip Smart Update Update File Select Manager Program
  • help.zip Smart Update Help PDF
  • Freescale.rar PCB files of Freesclae Smart Cars.
  • BuildYourOwnSmartHome(2003).pdf.zip Build Your Own Smart Home
  • SimulatedAnnealing.rar Simulated Annealing (SA) is a smart (meta)-heuristic for Optimization. Given a cost function in a large search space, SA replaces the current solution by a random "nearby" solution. The nearby solution is chosen with a probability that depends on the ...
  • anetnna_smart.rar It s about smart antenna. It can help you whatever it is.
  • beamforming.rar It s about smart antenna. It can help you whatever it is.