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  • dmp2midi.zip ... a converter back to midi. Here is it. Currently MIDIDMP only dumps notes and tact measures. In future I will add some other midi commands that are necessary when generating midi files that sound better than midi songs using only one instrument.
  • DSoundRecord.rar 简单的声卡录音功能 要先在d盘的根目录下创建一个名为Sound的文件夹 程序会将录音文件放入此文件夹
  • sound.rar 适用于Wince的EVB3.0写的录音实例,可以控制在PDA上录音,很简单的
  • java_coding_stardard.rar This white paper describes a collection of standards, conventions, and guidelines for writing solid Java code. They are based on sound, proven software engineering principles that lead to code that is easy to understand, to maintain, and to enhance.
  • TFlatSoundUnit.rar Delphi 5,6,7 Flat-Style Sound Unit
  • sray_GPU.rar CUDA Ray tracer, 3D-DDA algorithm in homogeneous medium. Useful for wave-eq. approximation, with respect of wavefront propagation, and so applicable for imaging, sound and seismic simulations.
  • OSS_tutorial.rar OSS (Open Sound System) Tutorial linux oss音频驱动中文使用文档
  • sound-code-example.rar 这个程序展示如何使用Data Acquisition Toolbox从声卡获得两秒钟的声音数据,并提取频率成分,并绘制。
  • didazhong.rar 在屏幕上画一个钟,时钟显示的时间和系统时间相同。钟的面板上有时针、分针、秒针3个表针在走动。随着秒钟的走动不断发出嘀嗒声。相关函数:sound(),gettime()等。
  • record.rar TAudioIO provides a drop component for doing modifying Audio I/O on the fly. Two sound components TAudioIn, and TAudioOut are provided.